He was born in 1938 in Istanbul. He graduated the elementary school in Istanbul in 1950, the secondary and high school in Adana, a city in the south of Anatolia, in 1957. After completing his military service in 1963, he decided to find an institute researching for a more livable world and work there for life. In 1968, he graduated the Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences in Ankara and went to Germany. During two to three years he spent in Germany, he contacted some of the 300 addresses in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, which he found in address books, and concluded that they were ostensible humanistic institutions founded purely for political purposes. He achieved his goal, which he set in 1963 to some extent exactly half a century later, in 2013, when the previous version of this book was published in America as an e-book as a result of his efforts after his return from Germany in 1978. In 2018, he felt the need to finalize his book by changing the title, the front cover, and the content of the book where RABIA was emphasized. The author states that he wrote in this book what the people of the world would like know but do not know; what they wanted to say but could not do so; however he believes that the main reaching the sufistic stage of “upheavel with Allah” (kıyam billah) and heading towards “perpetuity with Allah” (Bekabillah) and thus initiating the golden age, which is the ideal of mankind could only be possible if the academicians, who could be defined as philosophers in the cosmology departments in the universities of today acknowledge that RABIA is truly a the “Theory of Everything” and continuosly update the issues in this book in the light of the improvements and thus he believes to have given the Sumerian, Babylonian and Egyptian priests credit for rendering unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s.